sábado, 21 de julio de 2012

Colonialism in Question Theory, Knowledge, History frederick Cooper

Colonialism in Question
Theory, Knowledge, History
frederick Cooper


Writing and Filming the Genocide of the Tutsis in Rwanda; Dismembering and Remembering Traumatic History

Aunque este pagando lo encuentro interesante. Writing and Filming the Genocide of the Tutsis in Rwanda; Dismembering and Remembering Traumatic History

The Media and the Rwanda Genocide

The Media and the Rwanda Genocide

miércoles, 18 de julio de 2012

The Idea of The West

The Idea of The West - Alastair Bonnett

Goan fortune hunters in East Africa

Goan fortune hunters in East Africa

Orientalism,Occidentosis and Other Viral Strains: Historical Objectivity and Social Responsibilities

Orientalism,Occidentosis and Other Viral Strains: Historical Objectivity and Social Responsibilities

National Council for the Social Studies

About National Council for the Social Studies

Social studies educators teach students the content knowledge, intellectual skills, and civic values necessary for fulfilling the duties of citizenship in a participatory democracy. The mission of National Council for the Social Studies is to provide leadership, service, and support for all social studies educators.
Founded in 1921, National Council for the Social Studies has grown to be the largest association in the country devoted solely to social studies education. NCSS engages and supports educators in strengthening and advocating social studies. With members in all the 50 states, the District of Columbia, and 69 foreign countries, NCSS serves as an umbrella organization for elementary, secondary, and college teachers of history, civics, geography, economics, political science, sociology, psychology, anthropology, and law-related education. Organized into a network of more than 110 affiliated state, local, and regional councils and associated groups, the NCSS membership represents K-12 classroom teachers, college and university faculty members, curriculum designers and specialists, social studies supervisors, and leaders in the various disciplines that constitute the social studies.
NCSS defines social studies as "the integrated study of the social sciences and humanities to promote civic competence." Within the school program, social studies provides coordinated, systematic study drawing upon such disciplines as anthropology, archaeology, economics, geography, history, law, philosophy, political science, psychology, religion, and sociology, as well as appropriate content from the humanities, mathematics, and natural sciences. In essence, social studies promotes knowledge of and involvement in civic affairs. And because civic issues--such as health care, crime, and foreign policy--are multidisciplinary in nature, understanding these issues and developing resolutions to them require multidisciplinary education. These characteristics are the key defining aspects of social studies.
In 2010, NCSS published National Curriculum Standards for Social Studies: A Framework for Teaching, Learning, and Assessment. The revised standards, like the earlier social studies standards published in 1994, continue to be stuctured around the ten themes of social studies. However, the revised standards offer a sharper focus on Purposes; Questions for Exploration; Knowledge (what learners need to understand); Processes (what learners will be capable of doing); and Products (how learners demonstrate understanding). NCSS standards ensure an integrated social science, behavioral science, and humanities approach for achieving academic and civic competence that can be used by social studies decision makers in K-12 schools.
The NCSS framework consists of ten themes incorporating fields of study that correspond with one or more relevant disciplines. The organization believes that effective social studies programs include experiences that provide for the study of:
  • Culture
  • Time, Continuity, and Change
  • People, Places, and Environments
  • Individual Development and Identity
  • Individuals, Groups, and Institutions
  • Power, Authority, and Governance
  • Production, Distribution, and Consumption
  • Science, Technology, and Society
  • Global Connections
  • Civic Ideals and Practices
NCSS publications reach a readership of more than 25,000 educators. The flagship, peer-reviewed publication of NCSS is Social Education. Elementary educators often choose to receive the peer-reviewed journal Social Studies and the Young Learner. For middle school teachers, NCSS publishes the online supplement Middle Level Learning. Learn more at www.socialstudies.org/publications.
At the NCSS Annual Conference, thousands of attendees learn from 400 presentations, receive classroom-ready lessons, network with colleagues, listen to keynote speakers who are leaders in their fields, and explore the Exhibit Hall with more than 150 exhibitors. Learn about this year's Annual Conference at www.socialstudies.org/conference.
Membership in National Council for the Social Studies is open to any person or institution interested in the social studies 

Memorias recientes y pasados en conflicto: ¿cómo enseñar historia reciente en la escuela?

El artículo expone algunos de los principales problemas que plantea la apropiación de los acontecimientos conflictivos del pasado reciente para la enseñanza de la historia y la escuela en la actualidad en diferentes sociedades. Para ello, en primera medida, se enmarca la problemática dentro de las formas que ha tomado la gestión de la memoria colectiva en el proceso de globalización y se repasa brevemente la historia del concepto “historia reciente”. Posteriormente, se esbozan algunas propuestas para el tratamiento de los acontecimientos controvertidos de la historia reciente en el aula. Una de las hipótesis centrales del artículo considera que el tratamiento social y escolar de los contenidos conflictivos ligados a la historia reciente tiene un carácter diferente en cada comunidad, que está ligado a la particular relación que se plantea entre el pasado representado, las condiciones del presente desde el cual se recuerda y la representación sobre el futuro compartido de la comunidad que recuerda. En esta línea, se analiza en forma comparativa el tratamiento de estos contenidos en los ámbitos escolares de Argentina, Chile y España, donde se verifican puntos de coincidencia y distanciamiento en relación a cómo tramitar los hechos traumáticos de la historia reciente en función de la relación entre pasado reciente, presente y futuro. Finalmente, se concluye la necesidad de que la historia reciente sea objeto de estudio en la escuela sin reducir sus aristas conflictivas e insistiendo en las explicaciones históricas contextuales y complejas.


martes, 17 de julio de 2012

Claridad / Libreta de Jornalero y Livret d’Ouvrièr

Interesante artículo de uno de mis profesores

Claridad / Libreta de Jornalero y Livret d’Ouvrièr

Egyptian Imperialism in Nubia c. 2009-1191

C. Graves, Egyptian Imperialism in Nubia c. 2009-1191, Birmingham, 2010.

Lost Nubia.

Lost Nubia. a Centennial Exhibition... (Larson J. a. 2006)

Oliver y Atmore - Africa Desde 1800

Uno de los grandes clásicos de la Historia Africana en español. Ya no se ven como este en las librerías!!! Oliver y Atmore - Africa Desde 1800 LIBRO ENTERO

Wolf, Eric R. - Europa y La Gente Sin Historia

Wolf, Eric R. - Europa y La Gente Sin Historia [1982]

Pizza a Global History

Posibles temas para investigar, la historia de la comida y las recetas!!! Pizza a Global History


Hoy nos vamos de Pizza!!! Pizza