sábado, 15 de diciembre de 2012

The Relevance of African Studies ∗

African Studies seem somewhat a contested territory and notion, depending
on who executes the power of definition. Such studies and their results are
at times questioned and ridiculed as exotic, at times underrated in terms of
their social relevance, but occasionally also over‐estimated with regard to
their political impact. By way of introducing the wide panorama, three
concrete examples from the last decade try to illustrate the diverse points.
Then follows a summary overview on parts of the recent debate concerning
the definition and role of African Studies, before a last part reflects on the
relevance of African Studies in a Nordic context.


Images of Africans in British Slavery Discourse Pro‐ and Anti‐Slave Trade/Slavery Voices in The Gentleman’s Magazine and The Monthly Review, 1772 – 1833

Images of Africans in British Slavery Discourse
Pro‐ and Anti‐Slave Trade/Slavery Voices in The
Gentleman’s Magazine and The Monthly Review, 1772 – 1833


On Writing African History: Schools of Thought and their (Mis)Representation

There are many different opinions  on how to write African history 
properly. One US-American historian, J.E. Philips, recently opined his 
views quite dogmatically. In an article published in 2005 he compared 
the writing of African history in three countries – Japan, France, and 
the US. His comparison follows  three premises: Firstly, UShistoriography of Africa is the most progressive. Secondly, Japanese 
history writing on Africa, in contrast, is characterized by ignorance, 
falsity, and bad faith. Thirdly,  Philips holds responsible for this 
allegedly bad state of the discipline in Japan the influence of the – 
allegedly anti-historical – French social anthropologists Georges 
Balandier and Claude Lévi-Strauss. Obviously, Philips` treatment of 
the distinct national schools of thought is polemical in style. What is 
worse, however, is the lack of expertise on the very topics he deals 
with. Ignorance is displayed by Philips throughout his article. The 
present contribution sets out to substantiate these points, for there is 
more to say in favour of French and Japanese ways of writing African 
history than the impertinent allegations of Philips forebode.

On Writing African History: Schools of Thought and their (Mis)Representation Click Here for article

Genes, Pueblos y Lenguas, Cavalli-Sforza

6 Genes, Pueblos y Lenguas, Cavalli-Sforza1992

Los Genes y La Historia - Cavalli-Sforza - Genes Pueblos y Lenguas

Los Genes y La Historia - Cavalli-Sforza - Genes Pueblos y Lenguas001

Luigi Luca Cavalli-Sforza Genes, Peoples and Languages

Luigi Luca Cavalli-Sforza Genes, Peoples and Languages 2001

hunter-gatherers in history archaeology and athropology

_hunter-gatherers in history archaeology and athropology

Vanished cities of northern Africa

Vanished cities of northern Africa

Gordon Childe Los Origenes de La Civilizacion

Gordon Childe Los Origenes de La Civilizacion

Rodrigo Arocena - La crisis del socialismo de Estado y más allá

Rodrigo Arocena - La crisis del socialismo de Estado y más allá, 1991

DVD Marisa Monte - Memórias, Crônicas e Declarações de Amor

DVD Marisa Monte - Memórias, Crônicas e Declarações de Amor

DVD Completo - Gabriel O Pensador - Ao Vivo MTV (Show Completo)